
Holy Days:


  1. About The Holy Bible In Its Original Order
  2. Adultery/Sexual Sins
  3. Apostolic Beliefs
  4. Audio Sermon Transcriptions
  5. Beliefs Booklet - Afrikaans
  6. Bible Studies
  7. Born Again
  8. Call to Repentance & Resignation
  9. Christian Financial Responsibility
  10. Christian Living
  11. Christian Passover Ceremony
  12. Church At Home
  13. Church Government
  14. Comfort
  15. Coming One World Religion
  16. Conduct of Leaders
  17. Covenants Of God - Covenants In The Bible
  18. Current News
  19. Day of Atonement - 1994
  20. Disasters
  21. Elder's Conferences
  22. End-Time Prophecies
  23. Evil
  24. Faith
  25. Faith & Law
  26. False Doctrine
  27. False Prophets
  28. Fellowship
  29. Foot Washing
  30. Free Will/Choice
  31. Genesis
  32. God
  33. God Deals With Nations
  34. God Hates Religion
  35. God’s Judgment Cometh Soon
  36. God's Plan
  37. Gospel
  38. Grace
  39. Grace of God in The Old Testament
  40. Grace of God in The New Testament
  41. Health/Healing/Sickness
  42. Heart/Mind Series
  43. Holy Days
  44. Holy Spirit
  45. How Did Jesus Fulfill the Law?
  46. How to Figure the 400 & 430 Years
  47. It’s Not The Economy, Stupid—It’s God!
  48. Jesus Christ/Spiritual Teachings
  49. Judas Iscariot
  50. Justification
  51. Letters
  52. Love One Another
  53. Lyall Johnston
  54. Marriage
  55. Michael Heiss
  56. Ministers/Preachers
  57. Nature of Sin
  58. News and Economics
  59. Passover
  60. Prophecy
  61. Prophetic Messages of Current Financial Upheavals
  62. Purpose For The Church
  63. Purpose of Man
  64. Repentance
  65. Roger Kendall
  66. Salvation
  67. Satan
  68. Sin
  69. Spiritual Blindness
  70. Stability in Times of Trouble
  71. Steve Durham
  72. Suffering
  73. Teachings of Jesus Christ
  74. Temple – Past, Present, Future
  75. Tithing
  76. To Know Jesus
  77. Was Jesus Married?
  78. Why Were You Born?
  79. Whose Side Is God On?
  80. Worldly Christianity
  81. You, The World, Satan & Overcoming
  82. 2003 Sermon Transcripts
  83. Was Jesus Really Married To Mary Magdalene?
  84. World Economic Crisis
  85. Worship of God
  86. Miscellaneous Sermons
  87. CBCG Hymnal Audio
  88. CBCG Hymnal Sheet Music

CBCG Booklet Library



  • Appendix E: How Did Jesus Christ Fulfill the Law and the Prophets?
  • Appendix L: What Does It Mean to Be "Born Again"?
  • Appendix M: What Does It Mean to Be "Born of God"?
  • Appendix N: What Is Meant by "the Works of the Law"?

Background Studies

Biblical Holy Day Calendar 2.0 - Christian Biblical Church of God
